The Epic Adventures of Prince Ralphie
Authored by Robert Augustus Gerard & Georgiana Spadafora
Robert began life on an island in the south Pacific where he lived in a tropical paradise for the first years of his life. When he was ten he moved with his family to Texas, where many unexpected calamities befell them. His father, a soldier for the Empire, died in the Great War on Ignorance, on the wrong side of history. Later, his mother died of grief, so that at fifteen Robert was orphaned, as were his siblings, who were scattered like seeds to the winds of time and fate and chance, to find purchase where they could.
After many years of wandering through other people’s kingdoms alone and disorientated, he came across a treasure of ideas so comprehensive in their scope of how the cosmos really works, even where beauty touches the hem of God, that he recognized these beliefs and ideas were the treasure he’d been searching for his whole life. He’d found the key to the kingdom, his kingdom. He then sat down and wrote about how writing had become the Path, his path back to his home, on an island of his own set upon the sea of the imagination.
Georgiana began her life in Hannibal Missouri, the child of Hungarian immigrants displaced in the chaos of the second world war.
Shortly thereafter, her father moved their little family to Cleveland, Ohio, where she grew up with her sister in a largely Hungarian neighborhood, allowing them to keep their many treasured traditions of recipes, dances, and holiday celebrations.
She is one of those few people who knew from the very beginning that they were destined to be an artist.